The Model 233v3 Pulsed DC Controller has been designed to operate with the Series 200 range of ionisers for ESD applications.
The 233v3 is light, compact and features lockable plug and socket connectors for quick release. It also provides the option of Steady State DC (SSDC) output.
Features & Benefits
Extended pulse rate/frequency range (0.5 to 20 Hz).
Lower frequencies enable emitted ions to travel
extended distances and thereby increase the effective
range of static control. There is also greater flexibility in
the positioning of bars.
Extended balance adjustment.
Finer, more accurate adjustment of ion balance.
Integral air connections supplied as standard.
Easy, tidy connection of air supply pipe(s).
Built in alarm circuit with auto shutdown.
Detection of a fault in the ionisation system results in automatic shutdown, thereby preventing serious damage to the system.
Provision for remote alarm indicator and 24V supply (through 8-way DIN connector).
Enables system installations to be monitored from
remote locations. No additional external power supply is
required to power remote indicators.
Provision for remote ON/OFF switching.
Allows system to be operated from remote locations.
SSDC output option.
Provides tight balance in applications where air flow is required.
Light and compact.
Minimum space requirement.
Distribuimos para:
México, Republica Dominicana, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Perú, Bolivia.
Skype: SolucionesPlasticas