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Meech’s Model 261v2-1/4 Ion Nozzle is a small, robust in-line ioniser. ¼” bsp connections allow integration into existing plastic pipe work. When used in automated cleaning machinery, the 261v2-1/4 ionises the airflow that is then used to clean and neutralise containers and components.It is powered by a Meech Model 233v3, 977CM or 977v3 Pulsed DC Controller.
Features & BenefitsAdjustable balance and frequency (Pulsed DC Controller)Optimisation of performance and extended ionisation rangeRapid decay timesVery effective in high speed applicationsRemovable emitter pinsEasy to clean and replace. Minimum maintenance downtime and extended equipment lifeLow air consumptionEconomical use of compressed airSmall and compactEasy to locate and install in confined spaces
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Lunes a Viernes8:30am - 5:15pm305-887-6920
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