ITC’s High Power (up to 30 Amps.) Temperature Control Systems are uniquely engineered to control mold temperature for 1 to 6 zone application without the need for special temperature control modules. The Main Features of High Power Main Frame systems (MFHP-30) are:
- Uses Standard Temperature Modules (S20-D3C or UATC-20 ) which are used for our 15 Amp. system. This eliminate the need of high amperage modules. Using one style modules for 15 Amp. and 30 Amp. system will give you following benefits :
- Eliminate the need for special double wide, high cost control modules.
- Reduce the possible system damage due to inserting wrong module in main frame slot.
- Reduce total system cost and inventory cost.
- Full Load Capacity High Power main frames are designed to operate under full load capacity. This means Sequential Startup is not required.
- Amperage Display The heater amperage draw for each zone can checked by turning the selector switch to appropriate zone and pressing the amp button next to it. The display will indicate amperage draw for the selected zone. This feature allows to use control modules without amperage readout.
- Easy Installation All 30 Amp. (High Power) main frames are completely self contained and easy to install. Hook the main power, 240 VAC, and attach mold power and thermocouple cables to main frame.
- Protection Each heater zone is protected by pair of 30 Amp. fuses and the main frame is equipped with appropriate circuit breaker.
- Anti-Arching This feature is designed in the main frame to protect damage to both, main frame and module, in an event a module is inadvertently removed while under load. This feature will function only in newer ITC control modules, which are equipped with modified circuitry.
- Phase Indicators, indicate which leg has power. High Power main frames are configured to fit our regular stands and can be tied together with our standard 15 Amp. main frame.